Associative learning changes multivariate neural signatures of visual working memory


The following slides come from my talk at the Vision Sciences Society 2024 meeting. The presentation is titled Associative learning changes multivariate neural signatures of visual working memory. I share results from two experiments where I trained subjects to learn color-color pairs (Experiment 1) or color triplets (Experiment 2), before bringing the subjects back within the week for an EEG session. In Experiment 1, the subjects were shown either 2 random colors, 4 random colors or 2 learned pairs during the EEG session. In Experiment 2, the subjects were shown either 2 random colors, 6 random colors or 2 learned triplets during the EEG session. Multivariate classification of the data suggests a reduction in working memory load in the learned conditions. Critically, in Experiment 2, this load reduction only appeared in those who learned the color triplets, whereas there was no reduction in those who did not.

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Associative learning changes multivariate neural signatures of visual working memory by William Xiang Quan Ngiam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.